
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Blogging Community Tag

Thank you jo for tagging me for this! By the way, jo @ The Bearable Blog also created this tag. Isn't that cool? To create a tag!?

I have a million and one tags to do. So bear with me. This will be fun. Promises.

- Answer the 7 questions
- Tag others (as much as you want)
- Provide link back to the creator of the tag (optional)
- Include the picture above in your post

Dedicated blogger?

 Cait @ Paper Fury blogs all the time! And her posts are always fabulous.


Blog with nice design?

 I go for simple. If you have an easy way for Blogger accounts to follow, that's always a plus. If I have to check my email for your posts, I probably won't read your posts, unless I really, super, duper like you. Also if your blog happens to be blue, I will love it forever.

Skye @ Ink Castles    Her blog is the most awesome shade of teal! Also, she posts about her WIPs and I just love her ideas.

Beth @ The Quiet People    I love, love the minimalist style going on here. There's something graceful and ethereal about this blog. Is it weird that when I read it, I always get the impression that though this blog appears to have a gentle spirit, it is mighty?

Chris Hemsworth - Thor 2

 (This is completely unrelated. At pinterest, I typed in Thor, Avenger2, and gifs. Do you know what showed up? A whole lot of Loki. He wasn't even in Avengers 2!)

Awesome review/book blog?

 Okay, Cait again. Too be honest, I don't often read book reviews. . . with the exclusion of Cait's reviews. She's funny and knows how to turn a book review into a discussion (I think that takes talent, because I can't seem to do it).  I'll peruse other people's reviews, but if I read it in whole it's usually Nova's @ Out of Time, because she is also an awesome book reviewer.

Deep and thoughtful blogger?

Here's a list:
Nova @ Out of Time

 They always have some cool discussion going on.


A blog you always enjoying reading?

 Probably Ely @ what can I say? Her writing excerpts. Ah! So good! And her Jesus talks, love those too. 

Also Anne @ AM Station   I mean even the title is nifty. She always has sincere posts.

And Carmel @ CARMEL  I always love stopping by there whether it's fashion, writing, life, Jesus. It's always a surprise and it's always refreshing! 

 Emily @ Emily Etc. She always has something fun going on. From discussion to writing or just bookishness.

Blogger with a great sense of humour?

 That's easy. Stargirl @ Star Girl Productions. Humor is her game, you guys! She never fails to make me laugh.

serious to laughter, gif

Blog that inspires you?

Um, can I just any blogger that ever did blog? But really, if I follow your blog- Actually, if I comment every now and then (or obsessively. . .), that usually means I like you and you're cool in my book. ;)

I think I will tag:

Anne @ AM Station
Carmel @ CARMEL
Jack @ However Improbable
Skye @ Ink Castles

And anybody else who wants to do it!

But if you don't like tags, then don't worry about it. 

By the way, the Summer Writing Camp deadline is this Friday on the 3rd of July.

I'm going to go read a book.

andrew garfield. amazing spiderman. (gif)


  1. "So bear with me". Is that a pun? :') You have awesome answers, I love The Quiet People's design as well, and Cait's blog is the best! Thanks for saying I was a deep/thoughtful blogger and just doing the tag in the first place. :)

    1. :O I didn't notice that! XD I guess it was an unintentional pun. . .?

      But of course! It was a fun tag. :)

  2. Thanks for all the blog recommendations! Bloggers are pretty awesome :)

    The Life of Little Me

  3. Ooh, I only know a few of these blogs, but I know they're awesome. I think I'll check out the others, because I'm sure they're great, too!

  4. Tags are always so much fun to me and I love to see people's answers. And I totally need to go check out all of these bloggers now! :)

  5. OOH, THIS TAG SOUNDS FUN :) I love all the answers ( I have over a dozen links open now XD) Great post!

    Nirvana @ Quenching the Quill

  6. Awww, Ashley, you're the best!!!! =) Thank you so much!

  7. Thanks for the shout out and the tag, he he since my blog is blue does that mean you will love me forever.
    :D I will try to do this soon.

  8. AWW shucks( picture me in a western country film sipping on ice tea, cowboy hat in hand and chewing on wheat). Thank you so much.

  9. Thank you! You are very kind. I'm going to go and check out a bunch of those linked blogs now!
