
Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Footnotes // new link up

So Emily @ Ink, Inc. and I haven't been idle this summer. We've put our
 heads together to bring you a new link-up! [because the title isn't explanatory enough]

To participate in Footnotes, all you have to do is pick a quote and write a post about it. You can write your thoughts on it, why you like or dislike the quote, why you think it's popular or ought to be. Expound upon it in any way you wish.

Footnotes is held monthly [psst, this one ends the last of August], and we'll give you a prompt that you may choose to accept or. . . well, not.

via GIPHY footnotes

So here's the button

And your prompt

A Quote From An Author

And when you've accomplished your mission, uh, published your post, report back, link up with us!



  1. Oh my goodness I love this idea so much! We can do the footnotes post any time of August, correct? That's so refreshing! Great idea!!

  2. Loving the mission impossible gifs, my post will be up tomorrow. So excited for another link up!

  3. Oh this sounds SO FUN!! I'd definitely want to join in with this. :') I will yell at myself till I remember.😂

    1. That would be awesome! I'd love to read your post. :D

  4. This sounds like a fun idea. I might to a quote from an author. Can it be a quote from the book the author wrote or actually something the author or writer said?

    1. That would be awesome! You can do either one. I'd love to read your post. :)

  5. *sings Mission Impossible music* Omg I loved Rogue Nation.

    *cough* Whoops, sidetracked. This link up is a marvelous idea. :D I may or not participate this time around, but I hope to get involved one of these days. There are so many great quotes out there -- I bet those are going to be some fun and enlightening posts.

    If you're up for another tag, though, I've tagged you for the Early Writings Tag!

    1. I love any Mission Impossible. XD The explosions and chases scenes are the best.

      I hope you get to join sometime! It'd be fun to read your post. :)

      Thanks. :)

  6. Five linkers, check check check us out! (OK sure one of them was me, but it still counts! I'M A PERSON TOO.)

    1. Yeah! I'm so excited! (And soon there will be six. . . because we're all human here. ;) )

  7. Dude this is so exciting! Not sure if I'll get around to it, but it's a super good idea :)
