
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Some Bookish Background // Bookifying Blopost Prompts

I was perusing pinterest [what else does one do with life?] and stumbled across some 30-day blogpost prompt challenges. I skimmed through a few and, yeah. 

*turn into bookish writing prompts for once a week posts, thus worth 30 weeks; or just use as bookish prompts for blogpost when brainless

They're kinda mind-numbing.  

Sherlock | Cumberbatch | shoot the wall

Sooo, being the genius blogging bookdragon that I am, I shall bookify [yes, that's a word] said prompts [don't tell me you can't find it in the dictionary]. I won't be doing them on a schedule [would I lie to you?]. I might smash some into a post [ok, so I made it up] or allow one to take up a whole post. Whatever I want. Obviously. *ahem* 

1) Introduce Yourself

Hi, I'm Ashley, and I'm a bookdragon. It's been a few hours since I've collected books for my hoard. And I regret nothing.

2) Your First Love 

2) The First Book That You Fangirled Over

So when I was a little dragonling, I was obsessed with the Little House on the Prairie series. I read it multiple times and watched all of the movies and TV episodes [although the TV series is nothing like the books, that's TV for you]. 

 I was talking on the phone with a friend. I'm not sure why? Because I had never talked to anyone except family on the phone. Anyhow, the conversation was basically

me: have you read Little House on the Prairie?

friend: uh, no

me: it's this great series! and it actually happened and, and

friend: i don't really read. . .

me: and the author is Laura Ingalls Wilder, and she has a sister who went blind, and they lived in a sod house one time, and a cow was on the roof! and a snake in the wall! and, and


me: are you still there?

friend: yeah, i guess

me: there's a tv series too! and

3) Your Parents

3) Are Your Parents to Blame for Your Bookish Tendencies?

via GIPHY yes mycroft

My mom has shelves and shelves of books. She unwittingly assigned the dusting chore to dragonling me wherein I book browsed instead of dusted. Some of the books she had collected as a kid. She read to us often, usually series, including the Little House on the Prairie books. [She also read the Bible aloud to us because she's cool like that.]

My dad was the one who read children's books to us. Like Custard the Cowardly Dragon, The Treasure Tree, Dr. Suess books, the Tawny Scrawny Lion [a fave of mine, it had a shiny golden spine, obviously a treasure]. He also did the voices [mom did not do voices?!], so it was super fun when he'd read Commander Toad in Space by Jane Yolen and would do Deep Wader's voice. 

So yes, my parents created a book monster. It was a part of my education [no really, my mom taught me to read].

4) What you ate today

As You Like It

So far, I like it as is.

 I might go read it now. Or sleep.

via GIPHY cat sleep face plant

So are your parents to blame for the book hunting monster that you today? If not, then who would you consider the influencers/parents of your book obsessions? And what was the first book you fangirled over?


  1. That phone call is so relatable, most of my friends don't read. I think I annoy them, when I fan girl about different books. My parents definitely fueled my love of books, my dad would read Lord of the Rings out loud too me. It was magical.

    1. Right? Come on, friends. Get with it. Everyone knows books are the place to be. Your dad reading LOTR sounds so awesome! It seems like someone reading it aloud would make it 10x better.

  2. Oh I totally blame my parents for my book monsterness.😂I mean OF COURSE. Parents are great for blaming. :') My mum taught me to read too and had a houseful of books so obviously she was hoping all her kids would turn out total obsessed bookworm, right?!? And I think Narnia was my first "fandom" really! I was writing fanfic before I even knew what fanfic was.😂 And I was constantly re-reading. But we also read all the Laura Ingalls books and watched the show a billion times too, SO I RELATE.😂

    1. Parents ARE great for blaming things. Especially when they're like, "Put that book down and go outside, meet people, do human things." And we're just like, "But this is what you taught me. You created this!" XD
      Narnia is great! And I'm glad to know another Little House childhood fan

  3. I like how you bookified this! :)

    My mom is quite the reader, but I'd say my dad was the bigger influence since he was always reading to me! :D

    By the way, I nominated you for the Mystery Blogger Award!

    1. Reading parents are seriously the best.

      Thanks for the tag! I'll check it out. :)

  4. I like how you bookified the questions :-D I'm not sure who got me into book. My parents are not readers. I would say maybe my school is responsible for my bookwormness because in elementary and middle school we had mandatory silent reading time like every day, and I ended up realizing some books were really great... but I don't really know for sure. I don't remember lol.

    1. That's interesting. Usually kids say they don't like reading because it's mandatory in school. Maybe you were just a pretty open-minded kid. ;)

  5. My parents were sort of responsible for my book-devouring tendencies. They basically thought I should read like most educated Canadians and made sure I was reading as per my homework in my early years at school, then I discovered I actually liked reading and everything exploded from there. They read to me at bedtime, too, so that was also partly responsible. I'd have to say the first book I fangirled over was The Magic Treehouse series. I had humble beginnings XD

    1. Haha, true. Parents usually do believe we should all know how to do healthy citizen things, reading being one of those. XD Humble beginnings are the best. I was a Nancy Drew reader before I found fantasy.

  6. That phone call was amazing. And yes re the parents thing. We have literally thousands of books in our home. (It's a nice place to live ...) My dad also used to do great voices! (He still does ...) And my mum used to read to my sister and me while we ate dinner. She read the first three Anne of Green Gables books to us that way.

    I'm trying to remember the first time I fangirled to another person. I remember explaining the fine details of the Harry Potter plots to my parents and they were like " ... a Horcrux?" and I was like YES YES IF YOU WOULD ONLY LISTEN!

    Jealous you're reading As You Like It. Not that I've read or seen it, just I wanna read Shakespeare! I haven't "voluntarily" picked up a classic since July. As in, I've really enjoyed the classics I've read, but they have all been off The List. Everything I've chosen for myself has been YA/fantasy/Christian. It's hard to be like "and yes on top of all this required reading I'll read some Shakespeare", because then, when does one read Percy Jackson? But I really am in the mood. Might have to dip in soon!

    Also, if you haven't when you see this, reply to my email! <333
