
Monday, August 1, 2016

Starting Sparks August // All Around the Circuit World 4 // SURVEY!

Hello, everyone! So I thought I'd put a little more substance into your Starting Sparks posts. How about an All Around the Circuit World? It's been awhile, I know. Also, some of these links *might* be a little older. 

Over at the Wanderer's Pen, there's this awesome post, So Your Character's Mute. Victoria interviews Tyler Gray who has mutism and he is so, so honest. *salutes*

I do love Miriam's posts @ wishful thinking particularly two swedes on bicycles. If you don't read anything else, just read this one. She also wrote another one about your inner editor titled stop killing your friend

I purchased some new music finally! Two albums by Needtobreathe. I'm not really into country music, but Needtobreathe I love. And honestly, I don't know where they fit genre-wise. I've rather thought of them as folk rock. *shrugs* What do I know? Anyhow, someone recommend The Outsiders album to me [thanks Skye!] and I am loving it!

I know there's been a lot of disasters happening globally. It's really sad whenever it seems like every time I look at our flag, it's always at half mast. In the US there's been a lot of police- and racial-related shootings. It makes me so sad. It was the first thing the song The Outsiders made me think of.

Oh, and here's a Penslayer post [you knew this was coming]: 3 Ways Passion Will Make You a Fearless Blogger! Also, I really loved her 6 Expert Questions to Improve the Quality of Your Scenes.

As for poetry and photography I would suggest magpie by down by the willows and the simplicity of Fox in the Woodlands.

Cait @ Paper Fury is always very helpful. I adore her post on why everyone ought to read fantasy. She also has a guide on How to Appropriately and Effectively Recommend Books. Oh, and Cait also shares things that she had done or wants to do because of books.

Oh, and there's this fun quiz What Role Would You Play in a Fairytale. If you take it, tell me what you got! [Apparently, I'm the fairy? I feel mildly irked by this. Perhaps this quiz doesn't have the correct options because I'm a DRAGON!) 

In other news, I've been on a Teen Titans [the old one] and a Spectacular Spider-Man kick. If you care to know.

I'm reading Birthday Letters by Ted Hughes. Because somebody *cough* Emily *clears throat* insists that he's wonderful beyond wonderful and Birthday Letters is the only one of his books the library had.

I also started The Death Cure by James Dashner. I read the first sentence and thought, "You know, this book might actually make me cry. Lemme wait until I'm alone in the lair."

AND I went to a bookstore. I wasn't supposed to so, ssssh. But I couldn't help it, okay? I got three books from the clearnace shelf. Although I was very put off because there were none of Pierce Brown's or V E Schwab's books in the entire store. I try to console myself with the fact that it was a used bookstore and who in their right mind would sell back Red Rising? And if nobody is willing to sell back a Swchab book than that must mean she's amazing! (I've not read her yet.)

Moving onward.

Starting Sparks is a link up co-hosted by Emily @ Ink, Inc. and myself @ right here. We post a writing prompt for you every month. Hope you'll join us!

Here's your button:

Here's your prompt!


Write like a fiend!

Oh! And I made a survey for you about the blog and blah, blah. If it doesn't show up, try clicking here.

Online survey powered by Typeform

What are you currently reading? Have you bought any books your excited to read, recently? Oh, and did you get on the fairytale quiz?


  1. I took the survey! It was quite fun :) and I love this month's prompt!

    Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality

  2. I got a royal in the quiz, *scrunches face* I am not amused!
    I knew you would like that album, it's so good!
    I loved the survey and the prompt. It's going to be an Isabella one, if I find the time to do it that is.

    1. Really? That's interesting. I mean, "royal" is such an ambiguous term in fairytales. There's the heroic prince, the perfect princess, the evil queen, the meanings are ENDLESS! Ahem, but I feel ya.

      It is a great album! I can't even pick a favorite song.

      Oo, an Isabella post! I can't wait! :D

  3. The Death Cure made me cry, so good decision lol. I almost never cry in books, but I did shed some tears in that one.

    Ok I just got completely distracted mid-comment when I went and read that interview you linked to about mutism. Thank you for sharing that!

    By the way, I also got fairy on the quiz. So we can, like, party together in the magical kingdom or something lol.

    1. Yes, it is making me sad right now. Just the knowing that things are going to happen.

      I'm glad you liked it. It's a really good post! :)

      *high fives* We shall rule fairy land!

  4. YAY FOR SURVEYS! I really love taking surveys for some reason. xD

    Also, Needtobreathe is a fabulous band. I approve.

    // katie grace
    a writer's faith

    1. Surveys are always fun. :)

      Yes! They are amazing!

  5. I took your survey! :) And I did the fairy tale role quiz - I got The Villain!

    1. The Villain! MwhahaHAha! That's awesome, uh. . . I think. ;)

  6. YOU'RE READING BIRTHDAY LETTERS?! I ... have not read Birthday Letters. It was his very last book and from what I'm told it's all about Sylvia, and I kinda feel like reading it first would be, uh, spoilers, which is why I'm reading his other stuff first. But I did buy it recently. IT'S PRETTY. Anyway I am SO glad I have managed to forc-- I mean encourage you to Ted!

    Loved the survey. Your photos were GORGEOUS. Although, Ashley, why can't you be normal?!

    PS I am praying for America, along with the rest of our broken world x

    1. I was. I had borrowed it from the library before moving and I had to return it before I could finish it. But I did like what I read. It is so beautiful. Lovely cover, that! Um, but yes. It is kind of spoiler-y. I would google what some of his poems were about and I think all of them were about Sylvia and their times together. So I basically did a short search on information about her life then on their lives together. It was really sad that they separated. And everything that has to do with Plath seems to be sorrow or ecstasy. There's no in between. But the poems are very beautiful. I'm glad you forc-- uh, recommended him. ;)

      I don't know?! Normal just isn't in me, ya feel?

      PS Thank you! Yeah, the world as a whole needs so much prayer.
