
Monday, June 8, 2015

the post of happenings

          Guess it?! I have social media buttons now! I'm so excited (they're to your right by of way).

           I've been trying to figure out how to put social media buttons on my blog forever. Then the other day, a realization hit me like a smack in the forehead. "Duh, Ashley. Google it!" Oh, right. Why didn't I think of that before? 

andrew-garfield-spiderman-cute-funny.gif (450×253)

There's only one and a million sites that give you helpful advise about this. So in case you were want social media buttons on your blog, I thought I'd share these sites with you. This site, Carrie Loves, is the one I used the most. It has the icons that you can download, in so many different colors, in three different sizes, and she has social media buttons that I haven't even heard of before. I also used the YouTube video on this blog because I found that way the most familiar to me. 

But there's also other ways as shown on Every Little Polish. Lastly, Blogger actually has its own how-to (I feel really dumb now). But the page is so full of html code that I couldn't sense of it. Maybe I'm just dense, but if this site works better for you, it's here.

You have no idea how accomplished I feel at the moment. (It's really not that hard once you know how. I just didn't know how. . .)

Look what I've created! How I feel when finishing a good day of writing ;)

So the other day I went to the lovely library. I wasn't supposed to get books; I was supposed drop off a movie. You see, I already have a book from the library.

It's of monstrous size! I think it has just about every Sherlock book and story in it. I probably won't finish it all.

But well, this kind of happened:

Yeah. . . But while I checked out at the desk, the librarian told me they have an adult summer reading program. Its seems our small town is going to gang together to read a total of 1,000 books this year? So I joined, and now I have a good excuse for bringing home an arm load of books. 

Also I took some photos. Because it's fun, even though they're not that great. Photographing books should be the top most stress releasing activities.  

I have no idea what this is about. I remember the title from a review I read though. I can't recall what the review said, but whilst in the library it sounded good. 

People talk about this one all the time! They talk even more about the renowned Maggie Stiefvater. So I thought I'd try it. 

You know how I said my sister started reading? Well, she often comes to me when she needs a new book (she's a new bookworm; she needs guidance). So I got this for her.

I stayed up late reading this one last night until I got halfway through. I love it so much! I might even like it more than Cinder.

There is a vlog coming up! I know I keep mentioning it. But it's taking longer than I wanted. Two people tagged me for the Liebester Award, so yeah. . .  I'm working on that.

Also I hope to review this beauty for you soon. This book is amazing! Have any of you read it? 

Have you read an of these books? Which should I read next?


  1. Scarlet and Ranger's Apprentice are both awesome! I've also heard good things about The Raven Boys, but I haven't read it. You'll have to share your thoughts later!

    1. I will!

      I love Scarlet so far. I might have to stay up late tonight and finish it. :)

  2. I have never read any of these, but my brother read the Raven Boys and really liked it! Oh wait, scratch that, I have read Scarlet...which is REALLY REALLY REALLY good.

    1. Yay! More people who like Scarlet. I was thinking most people have read it, so I wasn't going to do a review. I'm thinking more of a discussion sort of thing. What will I discuss, I have no idea. But if I ramble long enough, I'll hit upon something, right? ;)

  3. Scarlet and the Raven Boys are two really great books! I've been fangirling over the Lunar Chronicles and Raven Cycle series though. THEY ARE BOTH SO GOOD OH MY GOSH. <--- Hehe, sorry for my fangirling.

    xoxo Morning

    (P.S. I love those Andrew Garfield GIFs!)
    (P.P.S. I know, right? Sometimes I forget that Google exists some days to the point I mop all over my homework for hours... XD)

    xoxo Morning

    1. Scarlet is so good! I'm just in awe. I love it so much and need to borrow the next book from the library. I'm reading the Raven Boys right now. . . I really hope I make it all the way through.

      Fangirling is cool. It's a book post. This is the place to fangirl. ;)

      Yeah, Google is how I got through chemistry. Whenever I forgot how to do the math for a problem I'd generalize it and google things like, "how to find the molarity of an element." Ahem, Google is very handy.

  4. OOH, Carrie's social media buttons! I use hers too -- the colour range is simply gorgeous. Matches really well with your colour scheme :) And OMG, all the books. Haven't read most of them, but Raven Cycle and Lunar Chronicles are popular fandoms on my Tumblr dash.

    1. Her blog was the best one out of all of them! Thanks!

      I'm working on The Raven Boys now. Hopefully it goes well.

  5. Replies
    1. Not yet. I'm debating whether to finish actually. Have you read it?

    2. YES! What do you not like about it?

    3. It's just the magic parts. I guess it makes me squeamish. That probably sounds weird, especially coming from a fantasy writer. . .

      But the characters are just- Wow! I can't even choose a favorite. And the writing style itself is so beautiful.

    4. Hmm. That does sound weird, from a fantasy writer. Heck, I can barely remember which "magic parts" are in the first one (it's a while since I read it). From my memory, most of the magic comes more in the next two. Is it Glendower you don't like?

      They are fantastic. Gansey. I love you. And yes, the writing is stunning.

      (So, uh, keep reading!)
