
Friday, June 5, 2015

Summer Writing Camp #2

I hope you guys all enjoyed the first SWC!

Here are the participants:

Skye @ Ink Castles (she gives a peek at one of her characters from her Beauty and the Beast retelling; you  must read it!)

Rachel W. @ Secret Scribblings (she puts a funny and oh so creative twist on this prompt; go read it!)

And if you haven't read mine (I sat down, wrote it, and posted, so expect no amazingness, okay?)

Here's the next prompt for anyone who wishes to join! Just sign the link! (I got it to work! I'm so excited.) The prompt will be open for two weeks, so the deadline is June 19th. Also let me know: do you like the two week deadline, or would you prefer it to be only one week?


Go forth and write!


  1. This looks fun! Do I have to use characters from my previous written series or can I make a new story?

    1. You don't have to. You can do whatever you want! :) Can't wait to read your post!

    2. I'm having writers block. I can't come up with ideas for this one! I've written a draft but it's pretty terrible. I'll have to do the next one. :(

  2. So I just found this blog and linkup through Skye at Ink Castles and it looks like such fun! I might have to join at some point - I don't know if I'll do this one, but eventually... :-)

    1. I hope you do! It's a lot of fun. Thanks for stopping by! :)

  3. I WILL GO FORTH AND WRITE! I'm sorry I missed the first one. And yes, please keep the fortnightly deadline!!

    By the by, I (sort of) completed the tag you set me - I changed it from screen to book characters - and I have tagged you back!

    1. It's okay. I knew it was going to be a tight squeeze for most people. I almost forgot it. . .

      A vote for the two week deadline. Yay!

      Really? This sounds intriguing. I must read it.

  4. Two weeks is much more manageable, great prompt.

    1. Two weeks it shall be then. :)

    2. I did it :)

  5. Aaah, Skye seems to be on the fast track to an AMAZING retelling. (I have a soft spot for retellings.) And ooh, this is a really cool prompt :)

    1. Yes, I love retellings too. And hers is quite good.

      You should join! It will be fun. :)

  6. Super idea! That prompt has got my mind spinning:) I just might have to link up!

  7. QUESTION: Since this is not dialogue, does the story have to contain the actual prompt phrase, or is it just more of an idea that you have to center around? Just curious. :)

    1. Really, you can do whatever you'd like with it. I'm going to use it in my text, but you don't have to if you don't want to. If you want it just as an idea, that's cool too. I want to let everyone give their imagination free rein. So if the prompt does not word-for-word fit, twist it to your own purposes. ;)

  8. DONE! Are you proud?? I have written and typed and published a story!!

    (I'm, like, ridiculously pleased with myself because I've not written a short story not for school since before I started my WIP novel in July 2013. So thank you, thank you, thank you for this.)

    I've been crazy busy this past week - barely time to write - so reading blogs has slipped well under. But I can profoundly assure you that I WILL be reading your story from the first link-up. (I've been like looking forward to doing so. I'm out all tomorrow and going away for a week on Monday morning so it'll be a while ... but I WILL. And I will also watch your vlogs because I love vlogs. Hearing other bloggers' voices is crazy. Anyway. This is getting to be a stupidly long parenthesis. Just to tell you -- I'll be away but then I'll be back and you can expect some dedicated stalking of your blog.)

    1. Yay!

      I know what you mean. Every time I set out to write a short story, it turns into a novel. And when I keep it short, the ending is. . . well, non-existent.

      I definitely understand the being busy thing. I kind of let blog reading go under too. I read all these great titles and proposed discussions and wish I had time to read them all! But I always go back to them. I hope you like the link-up post. It didn't really have an ending. And the vlog thing. I hope school is going well.

  9. Ooh, I should totally participate!

  10. I've been wanting to join in for a long time and I've finally found the time and inspiration to write my entry! Hope you like it!

    Carly @ Books and Etc
