
Thursday, May 28, 2015

On the note of failing

Hi guys.

Do I start most posts like that?

Aw, whatever. I have been trying to get a vlog up for you guys practically all week. It is a long story but part of it has to do with slow internet connection (can you hear the skipping record playing the sad song of life?). 

abandoned record player and broken record but the melody plays on.

I am going to get this video up before the end of the month! I will! So I'm really not here to say much, except that I have not forgotten you. Promises. 

Other than that, summer has been taking its lazy toll and I've gotten some writing done and. . . that's about it. 

love calvin & hobbes

The other day my little sister was reading a book (she's recently found that books are the best thing in life. *sniffs* I'm so proud of her). And- well, I made myself a nuisance while she was reading. Basically, I goofed around pretending like I was a wounded toddler. Heh, yeah. Maturity is my middle name. *cough* 


But everybody else bothers me when I read. It was only fair that I get the chance to do the some to a fellow bookworm. She is only a beginner bookworm after all. I'm testing her endurance. She must be properly initiated, you know.

I blamed it on the fact that I had a can of Mountain Dew and maybe some candy that day. 

This is hilarious.

But in truth, it's really because college is out for the summer. So now the only pressing "in the world of people" thing that I have to do is go to work. Therefore I see less people and have less social interaction in a day/week meaning I have more energy left over for my family. 

Which is awesome!

Except I don't know what to do with that energy, and it ends up being used on irritating my sister while she reads. 


 I don't know what to do with myself. I can't sit still. Sometimes I actually wish I had friends who lived in town so I'd have someone to have snow cones with, go to the movies, or ride roller coasters. Pfft, at this rate I might even walk around the grocery store at this. (Honestly, people, there's not much to do in this town. Social evenings consist of going to the movies or going to Wal-Mart, and I have never been much for the latter).

Where did all this energy come from? I can't even WRITE articulately. That's bad. 

I can only read one chapter in my book at a time. And it's a FANTASTIC book. 

Sometimes I can't sleep because my muscles are restless and still have energy to spend. There is no exaggeration here. During the day, I try to exercise just so I can sleep at night. Perhaps it would help if I went barrel riding.



"There is nothing wrong with me," said the Sherlock fandom

I mean. . . uh, I'm going to have another soda and see what book my sister is reading.

Anyhow, boring life updates. Sorry. 

Oh, but if you want to join the Summer Writing Camp link up, it is here. Also I'm leaving it open until the Friday of next week. Which is a possible bad-good idea (because I'm indecisive and cynically optimistic like that).

And I feel very proud of myself because I remembered to source all the pics properly. (Yes, 'source' is now a verb.)


  1. Hiya, Ashley!
    I totally know what you mean about the energy thing now that school is out. And yes. Barrel riding does help. :)

    By the way, I nominated you for the Liebster Award! Here is the link if you want to check it out:

    It's just for fun, so no worries if you don't get a chance to do it.

    :) Bailey

    1. Then I shall take up barrel riding. ;)

      I'll check it out. I love tags. They're always loads of fun. :) Thanks so much!

  2. You could put your energy into writing? Or a project of any other kind? That's what I always plan to do when school ends, although I normally end up being pretty busy anyway or just watching loads of Netflix. And isn't it just the best when your sister starts reading!? My sister did recently, and she has similar taste to me, which is just great! I borrow books from her, she borrows books from me (except she never really gives them back), and life is just... great. Pity school's still on right now, and I'm drowning in assessment. I would do anything to be in your situation.

    The Life of Little Me

    1. Yes! I love that she's reading now. She basically comes to me every time she finishes a book and says, "So do you have any books I can read?" Do I? YES! She's reading the Divergent trilogy right now. I think I might recommend her to Cinder next. She will probably really like it.

  3. I know the feeling, when you finally have the time to do things, and you don't know what to do.
    I wish we lived in the same town, I would love to get a snow cone, and walk around Walmart with you.
    Sudden panic, are you supposed to source gifs no one told me. Now that I think about it I probably still wouldn't though, I am just that lazy.

    1. I know. It's like the endless possibilities make my brain overload just thinking about it all and then I become inefficient. :P

      That would be so awesome! Stark Industries needs to start working on a teleportation machine. . .

      Um, I don't know if it's required exactly. It's good to do so, I know that. But *shrugs* I get all of my pics/gifs from pinterest (unless I take the picture myself). So I see it as already on the internet so it's pretty public and can't really be considered as privately "owned." But that is my own logic talking, which often differs from the real "rules" for living. :P (I hope that all made sense. And, yeah, I'm usually too lazy/forgetful to source them anyways.)

  4. It must be nice to be on break at last! Also, congrats to your sister on entering the ranks of the bookworm—we are the best, are we not? I hope things continue to slide easily for you, and maybe you find something more exciting to do than go to Wal-Mart? Keep writing!

    1. Yes! The bookish are always the best people. ;)

      I hope so too. Thanks!

  5. Know the feeling! During study leave I got into a v bad sleep pattern because I was too wired during the day, not studying and bouncing about the house, and then staying up late reading .... oops. Now I'm back at school (as of Monday) so I'm absolutely shattered, currently, having to readjust!

    These gifs are perfect.

    1. Readjusting is no fun.
      But I love staying up late to read! Just something about the quiet and being the only one awake really thrusts you into the world of the book.

    2. ^I have never had that thought in such a well-articulated way before but YES THAT IS EXACTLY HOW I FEEL.

  6. I think barrel riding would fix it. WHY DON' YOU JUST BARREL RIDE DOWN A RIVER, ASHLEY? I have mild insomnia so I exercise fiercely so I can sleep, hehe. heh. ANYWAY. I'm sure your sister will smack you with that book if you're not careful. ;-)

    1. Okay, I'll try the barrel riding. . . see how that goes. *cough*

      She probably would, if it wasn't my book. I might not let her borrow anymore books if she takes to whacking me with them. But I shall keep my distance nonetheless. She has a little guard cat who's persnickety about loud company. . . Fine then, I'll take my barrel riding elsewhere.
