
Monday, March 16, 2015

Review of The False Prince

          Hey, guess what? I did a guest post! Amanda @ Of Spectacles and Books let me do a review of The False Prince. I wasn't able to vlog it (I'll be getting another video up soon though. . . hopefully). But it is an amazing book. I highly recommend it. The main character is my new favorite. You can find the review here.

So true ;)

Also I wrote a poem in the below post. If you haven't read it or whatever. . .Yes, I just shamelessly advertised that (okay, I'm a little ashamed).

You adorable man :)

          Lastly, (I should never say that or else I'll think of something else and then I'll to have rename this "second to lastly" :P), if you have any question, about Oddball. . . the book or the character. Or a question about any of the foursome (being Oddball, Rocky, Skyler, and Peril). Ask! Let me know. I'm planning a couple of Oddball post soon and if you have questions I might be able to provide some answers.

 Unless the answers are spoiler related, in which case answers will then be ambiguously denied. 


           Oh, oh yes! (See? I knew I'd think of something else.) What if I do a sort of Summer Writing Camp, you know, when it's summer? I won't have college, so I thought about posting a writing prompt each week and then having a link up. Nothing elaborate. No critiquing. Just something to get creativity flowing. You don't even have to be a "writer," you can just do it for fun if you want. This is a heads up. There's no signing up or anything. (I am way too unorganized for something like that.)

Have a splen-tacular week!


  1. Sounds like a good book, I will add it to my list. Love the Summer Writing Camp idea sounds cool.
    I will have to think about the question one.

    1. Yes! Read it! Love it!

      Yeah! I'm glad to hear that.

  2. Loved your review and can't wait for more vlogs! Oddball posts! Oddball posts! Can you tell how excited I am? Also the summer writing camp sounds fabulous!

    1. Yes more vlogs and Oddball posts on the way. Though I'm beginning to think the next vlog might be a little corny... Oh, well.

      I'm glad people are liking the writing camp idea.

  3. Jaron 8-D Aw, how much I love that fella. Wait till book two. I love book two. I love all of them, but book two is one of my favourites

    ODDBALL! I will have to think of questions. Usually when I think of him it is just happy thoughts, and no questions come to mind.

    The summer writing thing sounds fun!! I'd try and join in.

    1. Yes!! Jaron is the best! The whole book!

      The summer writing camp is officially a go!

  4. I LOVEED THE FALSE PRINCE. XD It really surprised me, because I was expecting something meh, and then it was hilarious and clever and awesome. x)

    1. I know! I love the snark and sass. It's hard to pull off a likeable-unlikeable character... If that makes sense. It was amazing.
