
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

walking during august half-light



grab your keys | stuff your earbuds in | you might regret this | open the door | heat isn't a wall | it doesn't hit you | it clings | like sickly warm plastic wrap | humidity muffles the twilight | the sky darkens into gray blues | patchy and puffed with clouds | trees stand stark and dark against it | drawn with scratchy willow charcoal

[really, though use your earbuds for that one]


down the road | listening to old rock | dancing with yourself | watching for the cars | the air breathes hot like a dragon smoking an exhaust pipe | like standing over a bared running engine | wrinkle your nose | what's the smell | better yet | let's not ask


darkest night of the year

stare at the sky | think of other things | other places | just as dark but snowy | with a wind that bites and sneers with a cold scream | to chill the hot-blooded | think of other things | think of stories | winter nightmares storming alive | the ice-crystal resolve of those who stand against them | a yawning swallow of darkness | the end of immortality | a light glinting off a sword | a white stag

#wattpad #fantasa Una vida rutinaria y pacífica pero con muchas carencias. Una niña que jamás hubiera imaginado que esos días acabarían al conocer a su peor pesadilla. Formando así una extraña relación. Sin embargo sería eso quien le daría algo muy importante... Un sin fin de aventuras.

Obstacles by on @DeviantArt


who called ambition an evil | who called the status quo ok | those liars | their demise shall come | the truth seekers are rising



[you'll have to wait a bit for that one]

lightning flashes | a constant discontent | thunder rumbles | where's the exit | what are you doing here | rain spits on your face | this is just a checkpoint | this is not forever | the tarmac glitters in the streetlights | a small cool breath penetrates the humidity | it came from somewhere | the stifled heat returns | everyone comes from somewhere | doesn't determine where they go 

and where do you go from here

childermas my fav

The gates that were long closed

[if you're not sick of this song yet, here's the real thing]

How's your week going?


  1. A stunning post! I love the song and all the aesthetics. Could never get sick of the song.

    1. I'm glad you like it! Right?! I was basically listening to all the different versions for three hours straight while creating this. XD

  2. Whoa, this post was beautiful! It made me really want to binge this show, I wish I had netflix. :/

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. :) It is a well-written show!
