
Monday, April 25, 2016

Popcorn Reviews: Rebel Heart by Moira Young

popcorn and cat?

(This gif cracks me up every time. Cats are such strange beings.)

This review is long overdue. But you see, I have very conflicted feelings about Rebel Heart. It's the sequel to Blood Red Road.

I loved, loved Blood Red Road. I video reviewed it here. (It's such a long video; just don't watch it.)

This sequel though. *sighs*

It has the same dynamic as Blood Red Road. In BRR, Saba goes off to save her brother Lugh. Everyone and their dog attaches themselves to her when she meant to save him alone. She's a very prickly sort of character and treasures her solitude. Which is kind of why I like her.

Anyhow, in the sequel Saba now must go and save Jack (translation: the love interest). Why can't anyone let go of Saba and let her live her life?! Once again, everyone and their dog follows her around. I don't get it. She's honestly not a great leader. Understandably, her family wants to be with her, but at the same time, her brother and she aren't on talking terms?

In the first book, her new found friends actually helped Saba save Lugh. It was something she couldn't have done alone. Yet in the sequel, everyone seems to be more detrimental to her mission, especially in the end whenin Jack is like, "You brought half the world with you?  How are we supposed to lay low and hide half the world?"

The magic element was really interesting. Not to mention some epic skirmishes! HUZZAH! I love all the action scenes. Tension. Fast-thinking. Narrow escapes!

I also appreciated that the author held Saba accountable for her actions in BRR. Saba had to kill people in order to survive and save her brother in the first book. In the sequel, she is haunted by those she's killed. Aka, she has PTSD. It's so weird when an author puts characters through something traumatic/dark/just plain awful and they all walk away unscathed. But in Rebel Heart, nobody walked away unscathed. I appreciate how realistic that is.

Here's what I did not like. (It's a tad spoiler-y.)

There was a sex scene. Why is it that most all YA books have a sex scene like it's a requirement? What's wrong here? Marissa Meyer does splendidly without one.

Wrong topic. Back to focusing.

The thing is Saba doesn't like people. She doesn't like them touching her. Saba's not the sort who would, say, have a lapse of judgement and go have a fling with the villain?


It made no sense whatsoever with her character. Not to mention that the villain is like the creep of creeps. He's slimy. He's a psycho. He needs mental help because he thinks he's helping people. I want to punch him in the face then boil the germs off my fist. Saba has only met this guy maybe three times.

Furthermore, it makes no sense with the plot. It's just this random, detached event. We did get to understand the villain and why he's doing what he's doing. But there are other ways to go about that than having the protag and antag sleep together! Especially since it's out of character and-- Why is it even in the book?! My brain cannot logic.

Anyhow, I do plan to finish the trilogy even though this book kind of went south for me. I have heard that the plot gets worse in the last book. But I'm a little committed to Saba. So out of character or not. I'll read it.

I still recommend Blood Red Road like nobody's business. It's a really good book. Rebel Heart though?  

I hate saying bad things about books. But unless you NEED to read more about Saba, I would just not touch Rebel Heart. Leave Blood Red Road on the happy note it sorta is. Fantasize your own ending or something.


Have you ever read a disappointing sequel? How do you feel about scenes that break character?


  1. First of all, THAT CAT. *falls off chair laughing*

    I've never even heard of these books, actually. But regarding disappointing sequels, I've read a few and they vexed me greatly. The one that bugs me the most though is the Starbound trilogy. The first book was AMAZING. I loved it to death. I made all my friends read it. Then I started the second book of the trilogy and I couldn't even get halfway through the thing it was so blah. So now I just pretend These Broken Stars was a stand-alone all on it's lonesome. Sequels are terrifying little things, aren't they? *sigh* So often they fall flat on their faces.

    I don't really notice when characters break character though because I am a biased little person who stubbornly refuses to question the choices of the characters. (Unless it's something really hugely stupid. Then I will yell at them.)

    1. Blood Red Road is really good!

      Oh, I have seen those books. They have gorgeous covers! Yes, so many sequels just don't live up to the first book. It's sad.

      That does sound like a good way to go! ;)

  2. Blood Red Road is so amazing - I still have yet to read the sequel. I'm glad you mostly liked it - that sounds incredibly out of her character. Still looking forward to reading it though! Great review!

    1. Yeah, the sequel was okay. It had those moments wherein I gritted my teeth. But I do so love Saba! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it after you it!

  3. I need to read these books! I hate random sex scenes it's like whhhhyyyy. That's what made me hate Crisom Bound.

    1. I know! If it doesn't make sense with the character or the plot it just. . . well, doesn't make sense. What was the point!? *sighs* But I do hope you get to read Blood Red Road!

  4. I really really liked Blood Red Road, but I felt good about the second one and underwhelmed with the third one. I picked up the third one on clearance probably a year (or more) after I read the first two, so maybe that's why. Saba is a great character though. I'd be interested in hearing your opinions!

    Nice review!

    1. I've heard the third book just kind of. . . has a completely different plot? I'm going to read it. But I'm a little nervous. Still, who can't love Saba?! She's just great!

      Thank you!

  5. I keep meaning to read Blood Red Road, and the more I learn about it and the series, the more I intend to read it, but then there's this other SUPER AWESOME book that I notice, and so it just keeps ending up kind of shunted to the side.

    Great review!

    Thanks for Stopping by Writing on a Vintage Typewriter!

    1. I do that all that all the time too! There are just so many books. Why can't we read them ALL at once?

      Thank you!

  6. I diiiiid like and love this book but I agree that Saba's random fling with De Malo was, um...random? I DIDN'T LIKE IT. It just confuses me. I mean, you're right that she hates people and touching and things, so it didn't really seem in her character? Hmm.
    I kind of wish it'd stopped at Blood Red Road. xD Have you read the 3rd book? I...that one really ruined it for me. GAH.

    1. Yes, it was just weird? I don't know.

      I agree. I rather wish Blood Red Road was a standalone. Jack would've stayed with them and they would've all lived happily ever after give or take some sandstorms.

      I've not read the third book yet. But I've heard it's not as good as the others? I'm going to read it anyways though. ;)

  7. Eh. It's been too long since I've read Blood Red Road, I liked it but not enough to continue the series, to be honest. I kinda shipped the ship but I wasn't keen on the ending of that first one, I vaguely remember it being very weird (growing drugs? Or something?) and also I wasn't keen on the pacing (I seem to remember it had a rushed ending). So I don't think this is a series I'll pursue (I mean, it definitely isn't). But you'll have to let me know how you like the last one! Also thank you for that perfect gif <333

    1. Yeah, the second one was not as good as the first. To be honest, I kinda wish the author had just wrapped up all the loose ends in Blood Red Road and let it stand alone. But I do get that not everyone likes the same books. ;) Haha! I'm glad you liked the gif. I rather fancy it too.
