
Friday, April 15, 2016

All Around the Circuit World // Music Monday

I don't normally do these kinds of posts, but recently since my computers been fixed I've been trying to  catch on blog reading, I've been coming up on some nice posts and articles. I'm also linking up with Lauren @ Always Me for Music Monday. Thanks for hosting Lauren!

One day I want to travel. There are some in my family who hyperventilate whenever I talk about going away to college. But one day I'll stretch what I think are my limits and go traveling. Long story short. Here's an cool blog post from Jess Mcghie about five traveling tips.

Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight has a discussion on How Much Science Do You Like in Your Science Fiction. I've been reading more sci-fi lately and found it very interesting. Some sci-fis make up the science of the world and keep on a toned down level while other sci-fis have the attitude of  "Give them ALL the science ALL the time and ALL once!"

(This is one of my favorite bands in a video that makes me smile every time. Just watch it!)

The Penslayer shared some awesome writing advice that I believe in wholeheartedly. Don't go with the flow, people. Go with your passion.

So everyone hates insta-love, and rather understandably. Emily @ Ink, Inc. wrote this awesome post on insta-love. Just go read it, okay? It will make you THINK!

Every now and then I follow a lifestyle blog. CARMEL is one of my favorites. She has fabulous outfits (her recent one, but I adore this one) and she's also a writer. She posts some of the best motivation speeches ever. You need to read "Why Do You Write Like You're Running Out of Time." Go on now. Oh, and this post. You know what? Why don't you just follow her?

Cait @ Paper Fury wrote this hilarious post Lies Writers Tell Themselves. So yeah, if you're a writer, she just revealed all your secret fears to the WHOLE WORLD. Better go read it. 

(Anthem Lights does an amazing cover of No by Meghan Trainor. I like their cover better than the original. It's also hilarious!)

Aimee @ To the Barricade always comes out with some good posts, like her recent one about writing the dark side as a Christian writer. But I also really like this one about reading comics, since that's something I'd kinda like to get into one day.

Here's a blogpost written by Switchfoot's Jon Foreman. I've read this post before but I love what Jon has to say in this honest post. What he says about songwriting, relates to me and writing. As I've been listening to their album Hello Hurricane (not their most recent album, just my recent obsession), I think about how, as a writer, I want to approach my stories the way Switchfoot, as a band, approaches their music. It's not about preaching, it's about honesty. About life and living. That honesty about what it is to be human is my worship. I want to write like they play. Maybe that sounds weird. One of my writing heroes is actually a band. I am a writer though; I didn't sign up for normal.

What have you been reading recently? Do you have a billion tabs open now? Tell me, who is your favorite band or recent music obsession!?


  1. Lol, I DID have a million tabs open! XD The travel post was awesome, and I loved that Anthem Lights cover!! :D Ugh, I want to travel, as well. I've been a couple places with my family, but I want to go to MORE places, and with my friends (I'm too chicken to go alone XD)! Someday, perhaps. X)

    1. YES! I really want to travel. It would be so much fun! Anthem Lights is really good. I enjoy pretty much everything they do.

  2. So many blogs, I will have to check them out. I love Anthem Light's but I didn't know that they did a cover of 'No'. So funny, I have been singing that song since it came out. They made it better!

    1. I love their cover! I actually don't listen to, I'm not sure what it would be called. The music that most people listen to? A lot of the songs Anthem Lights covers, I only know exist because, they've covered it. XD I always prefer their versions though.

  3. That video for Be With You is hilarious, haha. I love how they hold up an actual baby for the word "baby" lol. And you linked up to some great posts I've not seen before! I do have have a million tabs open (well, 13), but two of them are your fault because of the links!

    And thanks for linking to my post :-)

    1. I love that video. I like the part when they start throwing the T-shirts all over the place. But I do like how they hold up a baby too. The baby is a daughter to one of the band members.

      Of course. :) It was a good post.

  4. I'm checking the blogs out now so I will have 100 tabs open. That cover of NO was amazing. And this is such a cool idea for a post. I love it all. Wonderful post, as always Ashley <3


    (also I went through a whole comment without using an exclamation point, this is a record.)

    1. i did not, however go through the whole comment without using an emoticon. that's another challenge.

    2. I'm glad you liked it! Thank you.

      (Haha! Don't worry about it. Besides I already used two. *cough*)

  5. Thanks for sharing all of these! I've never heard of Anthem Lights before and they were so funny! I subscribed to them on YouTube.

    I'm looking forward to reading all of the posts you mentioned, so thanks for the recommendations:)

    1. They are hilarious! And they sound amazing.

      I'm glad you liked it!

  6. YOU'RE A BABE, thanks for the shout-out! I should get back into doing that sharing posts thingie. I used to do it, back when I did monthly round-ups. I'm not sure what happened there.

    "There are some in my family who hyperventilate whenever I talk about going away to college. But one day I'll stretch what I think are my limits and go traveling." Very redolent of our recent communications, YES DO GO! Where're your top places to visit?

    I'm listening to the song (fun fact, I just mistyped that as "snog", which would vastly change the meaning and not for the better) but I'm afraid I'm not watching the video (because I'm typing this, obviously), so I feel like I'm missing something maybe? Hmm.

    1. Loved the secret post, and also the outfit ones, esp the one you love ... no surprise you love it, it is so you! I also loved that writing secret post. That's what we were talking about recently, isn't it? Not writing "what will sell" but what you love. ~takes calming breaths~ It's the way.

    2. But of course! It was a good post and great discussion. I think this is the first kind of sharing post that I've posted?

      Haha! This is so true! I do want to go anywhere? Okay, I'd love to go to England, Ireland, France, Canada, Japan. Specifically, I'd like to go to London, and Paris (I want to go to the national opera house that The Phantom of the Opera was set in). But I really do want to go the countrysides also. And anywhere that has mountains and slot canyons and trees. For some reason, I've always wanted to go to Washington state. And Alaska. How about you?

      The videos are hilarious! You should watch them. :)

      This is very true. I would probably wear that outfit if I was brave enough to own a pair of short shorts.

      YES! I read that secret post and was like, "Hm, wasn't Emily and I just talking about this? And I haven't I been thinking about this for the past month?" It's so true though. If you are passionate about it, you will care and make it better and better with each time you write it. Also, if you write for the market-- Gah, I just need to write a post.

    3. ENGLAND IS GREAT, London is amaaaazing and I want to go back many many times. The National Gallery. I'm dead. (Scotland's great too if you're into countryside!) And I don't think I've been to Ireland, at least not for many many years, but I really want to; the magic/mythology fascinates me. (And the accent is well attractive. And maybe I'd bump into Derek Landy, on the off chance ... ?) I'M DESPERATE TO GO TO PARIS. It's one of my absolute top cities I want to visit! THE LOUVRE. TAKE ME THERE.

      My other top European cities are Prague, Copenhagen, Oslo and Barcelona. I've been to Madrid once and it was amazing and I would really love to go back. Apart from that, I'm desperate to go to Africa and to India, and I want to return to Hong Kong (I went in 2013 and loved it) and New York (2012 and loved it) and also go back to South America and go to ALL THE LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES.

      So yeah, my travel plans are really cheap and feasible.

      ~cough cough~

      Short shorts are scary but you could rock them with tights if you weren't up for full legs. And yes, write the post!

    4. YES! I would love to go to London. And Ireland just sounds beautiful. I want to know about all of it. Scotland sounds beautiful too. Yes please, yes!

      If only traveling was cheap. . .

  7. Thanks for linking up, Ashley! I've never heard of Anthem Lights before now but I'm definitely going to look them up. They sound great and like you said that was a great cover - better than the original for sure. :)

    1. They are really awesome and they sing so well together!

  8. I think I like Meghan Trainor's better, but Anthem Lights does an AMAZING job.

    1. Really? I'm partial to Anthem Lights. But I don't really listen to Meghan Trainor regular, so I'm not really used to her style and approach. All in all, it's a good song! Thanks for stopping by!
