
Saturday, October 3, 2015

It's All You

Do you ever think that it's all been done before? As a writer, an artist, and creator? Whether you write, draw, make music, whatever it is that you do, do you ever see other people who are and have done great things and think, "They've done it all. There's nothing more for me."

I do. Too often I get into "the depths of despair."

This is perfect, The Incredible Sulk:

 All of the mind-blowing things have already been done. What is one more story? What is another fantasy book upon the pile of other fantasy books? There's nothing new under the sun. What am I striving for that hasn't been done before? The world doesn't really need me and my creativity. Right?

Writing probs:

Not right. Whatever it is you do, only you can do it. Only you can do it in the way that you do it. Everybody is different. Even though there is only so many musical instruments, even though there is a handful of ultimate story plots, every individual has a different personal way of interpreting those guidelines in the way that they want. They have their own melody to sing.


One person might say something one, and you may say the same thing but in a different way. Some people will understand and relate to the first person. Yet so many people will also understand your way better and relate to what you're saying. 

I'm telling myself as much as I'm telling you. Don't get stuck comparing yourself. And don't think that what you have to say doesn't matter. It does matter. Only you can say it. Only you can write it. Play it. Sing it. Draw it.

 And if you don't, then who will? 

It's all you. So go do what you do. And be awesome. 



  1. Yes. Just yes. This post is beautiful. I have been in the "depths of despair" many times, because I was always thinking that my stuff would never be "as good" or "as original." But it's true that everyone is unique, and because of that, whatever you create is unique as well.
    "What do you do with all your art?" "Stare at it until I hate it." <That is hilarious. :P
    Thanks for the post, Ashley!

    1. I know. I always get this feeling that I'm never "enough." But I have to remind myself that that is a completely lie. Everyone is different.

      Yes, I saw that on instagram and had to use it for something. ;)

  2. Very true. VERY TRUE!!! I get stuck in the "but someone's already done this and done it better" rut sometimes, but gah, it's ridiculous. I love that quote by Neil Gaiman that says only HE can write his books because there is only one Neil Gaiman. Yesssss. I love that. ALSO THE INCREDIBLE SULK. XDXD *fandoms collide*

    1. Oo, I've not heard that Neil Gaiman quote, but I love it! The way he puts. It makes so much sense. :D

      I know that's one of my favorites!

  3. That's the beauty of creating - nothing is the same as another, and they're all simply different interpretations of life. The people who create only create because they love it, and that's what the purpose is. It may seem like everything's been done, but if you truly love what you do, you'll create something new.

    The Life of Little Me

    1. Yes, they are all different interpretations! I like the way you say it. :)

  4. *hugs this post* I've often felt the same way, that my contributions to the writing world won't be special or original or even worthwhile. But I always have to remind myself that no one is going to write the exact same things as me because I'm me and they're them.

  5. Aw, this was just what I needed to read today! I think there's so much pressure to be the best - especially within the blogging community - that sometimes it's hard to remember that actually, being perfect doesn't matter. I know there are people who can take better photos than me, but I'll try anyway, because I LIKE taking not-great photos. And that's okay!
    Beth x

    1. I know! If you go to writers conferences and such they'll tell you the stats for how many books publishing houses turn out a year vs. how many queries they get. It's a ton of pressure! And you can only do it, writing your way. No one else can do what you do.

      PS-- I happen to love your photos. ;)

  6. I loved this post, you have no idea how much I needed to hear that. Plus that Loki wink at the end.

    1. I'm so glad!

      Yes, I knew before I started I needed a Loki gif to end with. Because how else do you end a motivational post? ;)

  7. Oh yes. I totally get the "there are so many fantasy books, nobody wants any more", but we need to fight against that! Because at the end of the day, you are unique, and your experiences are unique, and the way you tackle a particular plot idea or character or whatever is going to be radically different from someone else's way.

    I love that "what do you do with you art" picture so much, by the way.

    1. Exactly! Just, yes!

      Yes, I found that on Pinterest. It's one of my favorites. So much truth. -_-
