
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How I Like My Books

           Another TBC linkup!

The Book Chewers                                                                

Prompt: How do you like your eggs . . . er, books? Make a list of your usual reading locations, a list of favorite genres (substitute authors if you wish), and a list of reading snacks. When you're done, try combining items from each list. Which combo sounds best to you, right at this moment? You can take this as far as you like and make multiple combinations for all occasions.

Locations-on my bed
-at the college library
-snuggled under a blanket in a corner of the couch
-on long road trips
-in a good tree
-at the dinner table for really suspenseful books
-lying on my back with my feet propped up on the wall
-sitting in the woods (where no one can see me cry because of Rue)
-by our old wood burning stove (that we no longer have. . .)

-Steven James
-Sibella Giorello
-the occasional fluff book
-anything suspenseful
-anything hilarious
-a high energy contemporary
-a comical contemporary

(um, I don't normally eat, so this is a catch all options category)

-a meal (for the suspenseful books :)
-wearing fingerless gloves
-chocolate milk
-buried in a blanket
-no socks
-hat wearing
-mismatched sock wearing
-cold outdoors, and toasty indoors
-late night readings
-all day readings

Combos-a fantasy in a tree with no socks

-a mystery on a freezing outdoors and toasty by the wood stove day with fingerless gloves

-a comical contemporary with mismatched socks up against the wall

          I'd take a fantasy in the woods just about anytime. Like one of Tolkien's or Flanagan's books. It really puts you in the setting. :)

          But right now I think I'd take:

-an all day and late night reading of anything hilarious/spooky (sorry had to add something) buried in a blanket in a corner of the couch with some chocolate milk

           Go dine with The Book Chewers and join the linkup! How do you like your books?


  1. Fantasy in the woods? Niiice. I like it.

  2. Definitely love it! I've never tried reading in a tree though...sounds fun. :)

    1. We don't have trees in our backyard (it sucks, I know ;P), so I have to take a book to the park to read in a tree. It's extremely hard to balance, and I usually give up after five minutes, but it's fun! :D

    2. Cait: It's fun. Especially if you're reading about Lothlorien. But it's difficult to find a tree that you can sit in while reading, since the book requires the use of your hands.

      Magic Violinist: When we'd go to the park when I was younger, all the kids thought I was weird because I would read instead of play. But I loved the swings. So I figured out how to swing and read at the same time.

  3. I love the specificity (is that even a word?) of this post. :) I LOVE mismatched socks! :D Like, I seriously have a thing against wearing a pair that matches (unless my parents force me to change if we're going somewhere nice). Why pick one pair when you can pick two?! Just saying.

    1. Mismatched socks are the fun in life. They're also for the indecisive moments in life. "Do I want to wear blue socks or orange socks? Why not both?" Besides, it's not like anyone sees your socks in public since going around shoeless is more frowned upon than going around in odd socks.

    2. LOL, I love going barefoot in the summer. :)
