
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Book and Writing Insanity Linkup

Over at the Notebook Sisters, Cait and Mime are hosting a link-up. Link-ups are awesome and loads of fun. Especially when they are about books and writing.

Here's the book half.

1. What was your overall favourite book this year? (Yes. Pick one.)

Really? One?  Does The Book Thief by Mark Zusak count even though I still have a hundred pages left?

2. Favourite debut(s)? (Author must have been first published in 2013.)

Uh, I'm not sure I read a debut this year.

3. Which books did you reread this year?

I don't think I reread any. I did make an attempt to reread The Hobbit, but I ended up skimming to the part where Bilbo plays the game of riddles with Gollum.

4. Favourite cover(s) this year!File:Seraphina book cover (US addition).jpgFile:Insurgent (book).jpeg

5. Worst cover(s)?

I guess I didn't read many poorly covered books.

6. What self-published books did you read this year?

Um, I don't think I read a one. It seems I'm failing at this link-up.
7. Which book(s) gave you a massive hangover?

The Knight by Steven James! Oh, such a wild ride.

8. Best standalone you read?

Icefall by Matthew J. Kirby. I love the characters. The world. The words.

9. Biggest book(s) you've read this year?

The Fellowship of the Ring by J. R. R. Tolkien. That took forever.

10. Book(s) you followed the hype for and then loved!

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I am so loving it.

11. Most disappointing book(s) you read this year?

Perhaps The Ranger's Apprentice by John Flanagan, because I wanted so much more from the writing. And Peak by Roland Smith, only because the middle sagged.

12. Favourite leading-female character?

Just one? Okay, Solvieg from Icefall. I relate to her in so many ways.
13. Favourite leading-male character?

Definitely Patrick Bowers from The Knight.

14. Best romance(s)?

Ugh, what do I know of romance? Seraphina.

15. What book(s) hit the DNF list? (Did not finish.)

Most of these are only on the DNF list because I went through a phase when I just couldn't read anything. I'm blaming The Knight and its hangover.

The Bishop
Guitar Boy
The Hobbit
The Two Towers
Long Lankin
(I mourn that I could not finish that book)
And other books whose titles escape me.

16. What book(s) did you read out of your comfort-zone?

Seraphina. I am so glad I read it too. Some of the most beautiful writing. Excellent characters. Good story. And dragons! Got to love the dragons.

17. Which author did you read the most from?

I only read two books from the same author. John Flanagan.

18. Top 5 books you'd recommend from all the books you've read this year?

The Knight by Steven James
Icefall by Matthew J. Kirby
Seraphina by Rachel Hartman
Insurgent by Veronica Roth
The Fellowship of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (I can sneak it since I haven't quite finished it, right?)

19. How many books did you read this year all up?

Math? *sigh* I don't know. I guess about ten or so. School and work really slows one's book intake.

20. What's a book you're hugely excited for coming out in 2014?!

           I don't know. What should I be excited about?


  1. You can't fail a linkup. ;) Your blog. You rule supreme. I DNF'd all things Tolkien too. :( I feel bad! I mean, I'm a fantasy writer, but I can't survive anything Tolkien?! I just feel like the whole things are written in Elvish and I don't understand it. >_< I agree with you on Peak. HUGE disappointment. I actually stopped reading RA after the prologue! I thought it was boring. But then a few days later I got back to it and...well, I own most of the series. ;) Love them. (But the writing, honestly, isn't that tight.) Seraphina was awesome! And I NEED to read The Book Thief!!!
    Thanks for linking up with us. :)

    1. If fantasy writing was a college major, Elvish would probably be a prerequisite, and Tolkien would serve as the textbooks.
      Yes! Read The Book Thief. It's crazy long, but it's the most amazing read ever. I keep having to stop every now and then just to fully digest that last couple of chapters I read.
