
Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Wisteria Writer Tag

Thank you so much Eve @ Edge of Night for tagging me for this! It's a lot of fun.

You should definitely go check out her blog, people! She post some awesome poetry.

1. What current story or book are you working on?

I'm editing Oddball the First.

This is how I'm feeling with some of my stories!!

2. What is your favorite genre to write in?

Fantasy. Anything not normal. Anything that can be funny and loaded with dialogue.

3. Have you been published? If not, do you plan to be?

Eh, sorta? This website published one of my short stories.
I do plan to be a published author, yes.  

4. Which aspect of writing are you best at (mood, theme, plot, etc.)?

So these are hard questions.

 Dialogue maybe
 Awkward scenes [not that I have real life experience in this, never]

 Really? I have to smile too? Society asks too much of me.

5. Which part could you improve upon most in your writing?

Not adding too much dialogue
Not making sad things funny
There could always be more dragons. Always.

6. Do you prefer to write fiction or nonfiction?

What is this nonfiction that you speak of?

7. Do you remember the title of your very first work?

Story length

The Surprise.
[It was a stupid, predictable story about a rainbow, if you care to know. I was probably 7.]

Book length

The Sandy Series
I promise it's a fantasy and not some MG school drama. 
[Yes, I know. The title burns your eyeballs. Just run some cold tap water over them. That's what I do.]

8. Are you typically a planner or a panster?

I'm a bit of a hybrid, but I lean heavily on the pantsing side. 

9. What is your definition of a "successful" writer?

 Gee, this is subjective. Sure, by nature of the question of course. But don't go away thinking that what I consider "a successful writer" to be is the firm and immovable definition of a successful writer.
Success is different for everyone. [So by nature, subjective?] Figure out what it means to you. Go on now. Be free!


So for me? Gosh, I know, but I don't know. Like I don't want to tell you.
I hate telling people my "plans." My plans are always subject to change, and they will most assuredly change if I tell them to people. Plans are funny like that. They're like secrets. You tell them to people and everything blows up in your face. End of action movie.

Smaug blowing out windows in 221B Baker Street.

10. What would you say to someone wanting to be an author?

"Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an Artist." Pablo Picasso:

Write a lot, man. Write everything. Read a lot. Read everything.

Experiment to your heart's content.

You don't have to use big words to talk about deep stuff.

Make 'em laugh. [That's a song, by of way.]

Make it worth your time by having fun with it. Have so much fun other people get jealous.

Be addicted to writing [but you didn't hear that from me].

Steal the tag if you'd like!

Do you make a mean outline? Or are you a panster through and through? And what is the title of your first work? Do your plans turn on you when you tell people about them?

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Around the Circuit World // of sorts // life update

It's been ages, I know. But guess it! This week I will finish my final exams, and then summer vacation will be on!

I composed half of this post a long time ago, so here's some older reccomendations.

Some excellent Paper Fury posts are Unrealistic Happenings in YA Books. This made my day. Cait's posts always make me laugh. (Her metaphors are the best outrageous stuff of ever.) Also, Should Author's Agree With Everything They Write? Awesome discussion that!

I love iravenwings' instagram account.

Miriam's Motley Crew post talks about coordinating a large cast of characters and everyone's deep love for a quirky cast.

This Penslayer post called Is the Hook of a Great Novel Actually Criminal? is great!

And this instagram post by Maggie S. XD She's awesome.

I recently started follow Andrea's a surge of thunder and enjoyed her post on the ingredients of hype.

So I don't often recommend book review posts. They're not my favorite type of post. But poetree's is definitely worth mentioning. :)

This is my awesome and beautiful friend covering a Third Day song. [Check out her youtube channel.]

Wanderer's Pen has this awesome series called "So Your Character Is. . ." and the blank is filled in an ethnicity, mental illness, you get the idea. In this post, Victoria interviews someone who's blind.

Love, love this post about keeping your eyes on the horizon by Tim Foreman! [If you don't know, he's a Switchfoot band member. And if you don't know who Switchfoot is, then, friend, you've not been here long.Welcome and here's a good taste.]

I wish I could give you all the Switchfoot songs, but instead here's a video about how a theremin works. You know those weird, eerie sounds on old sci-fi movies? Yeah, that's a theremin.

For school, I've actually had a lot of non-book related internet wanderings (like the above theremin). Here's a crazy , but cool article about berserkers. There's a lot of weird theories out there about how they would go into battle rage [I don't fancy the mushroom theory; it's possible but a little far-fetched]. Some people have proposed that it could be some extreme case of something akin to PTSD [I lean toward this theory; it makes more sense]. But since there are no records found on how and why they'd go into battle rage, any possibility is probable since there's little to no way to rule anything out.

I took an ancient Germanic literature course, and we read books like Beowulf. I LOVE Beowulf, guys! If you've not, I definitely suggest reading it especially if you like fantasy.

We also read Icelandic sagas. Soooo much sass. Grettir's Saga had a lot of otherworldly beings like trolls, monsters, and ghosts. But Njal's Saga I think was my favorite. Lots of fate and foreshadowing. The Germanic and Icelandic cultures were revenge cultures, and revenge is fascinating to read about.

One of my friends let me borrow her book Stealing Like An Artist. It's a fun and creative book. It's full of quotes and just looks snazzy.

Also, Layers is a pretty cool blog with comics. Like this and that.

What have you been reading lately? Have you had any interesting internet wanderings?