Book Chewers are having another awesome linkup!
Prompt: It's all about the feels this week! Walk us through the books that have had a profound emotional impact on you.
Prompt: It's all about the feels this week! Walk us through the books that have had a profound emotional impact on you.
Be warned, this is not spoiler free.
Made me laugh: Hm, a good many books do that. Eh, not always because
they mean to either. . . I'll pick two. The Burning Bridge by John
Flanagan and The Knight by Steven James.
me cry: The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle. The end.
It follows Hood's life; so you know what happens in the end? And he was
betrayed for such a petty reason! That book had me balling, almost in front of
people too. *sniffles*
Made me feel nostalgic: Emily of New Moon by L. M. Montgomery.
The whole trilogy. It does have an Anne of Green Gables feel, but I relate even
more with Emily. Kindred spirits. :)
Made me depressed: The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snickett. I love
his style. But I just couldn't finish the series. I moped the whole week it
took me to read.
Made me angry: The Secret Garden by ? The girl made me so angry;
she was such a brat! I didn't finish the book, so I'm not sure this counts. I
don't normally finish books that make me angry. . . kind of like the depressing
ones. Oh, AND my English textbook. It's a book- and I finished this one. You
see, I was quite certain that it lied to me when it said that verbs could
become nouns. I had refused to believe in gerunds. There were other issues I
had with my textbook. I kicked it across the room once. Its sharp corner bit
the bottom of my foot. Heh, that's why it only happened once.
Shocked me: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. I haven't read the
back of the book. If it's a series and the author's gained my trust, I don't
read the back of the book. It ruins the surprises. So I didn't know Katniss was
going back into the arena. It totally devastated me, as much as it did
Katniss. As soon as she found out, I closed my book. And didn't pick it up for
another week. I realized it was because, I didn't want to go back into the
arena again. I didn't want to follow Katniss and go through all that again.
That's how amazing a writer Collins is. She really gets you into the world and
mind of the character. (I did finish it by the way.)
Satisfied ending: Any mystery by Sibella Giorello leaves me with a grin
on my face. That refreshing, aaahh moment. When you know everything's alright,
justice has been served, mercy given, but we don't have to say good-bye to our
beloved FBI Agent just yet because the next book will be out soon. :)
Astounding, yet inevitable ending: Insurgent by Veronica Roth. I.
love. this. book! And the end, wow! All readers gasp and before we can let it
out, we read THE END. The end? What?! But, really, it was inevitable. I
was itching throughout the whole two books to know- What is outside the fence?
What is the rest of the world doing? Why does the gate not lock things out, but
instead locks them in? And now the answers! Can't wait for the
next book!
Worst ending: I'm blanking. Perhaps it's one of those books I haven't
finished because they make me depressed or angry?
Terrified me: The Cooper Kids series by Frank Peretti. Chilled me
when I was younger. And it didn't help that I read at night either. The most
frightening were The Deadly Curse of Toco-Rey and Escape from the
Island of Aquarius. Eck, still get the be-jeebers thinking about it. Steven
James' The Rook was pretty creepy too. A villain who truly cannot feel
physical pain. Then add spiders.
Mixed feelings: The Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. They never
made it inside Snow's office. They didn't even encounter him before their
mission was foiled. It felt very incomplete and rushed. Yet there were those
perfectly planned, vital moments with her and Peeta. Then Prim. Prim! May I
say, Prim, again? I know, I know, I should've seen it coming. But cut us some
slack. Prim? Wwwhhyyyyyy? The end ending with Katniss and Peeta trying to mend
the shattered pieces of their lives was really kind of sad. Hopeful, yes, yet
still sad. But the end, with Katniss and Haymitch, Snow and Coin, and the
arrow. Oh, it was genius! And, maybe I should've, but I didn't see it coming.
And it was the best surprise of the whole book. :)
Okay, so maybe I fell to using italics more often than I ought have. Again
Emily Bryd Starr and I are kindred spirits. :)
And now I realize that if you haven't read these books, then I've just written a very unintelligible post. :P I apologize.
By the way, according to the Classics Club's spin on Monday, I'll be reading The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe. Uh, as soon as I find it. The possibility of the library not having it didn't seem relevant when I made my list. :P
And now I realize that if you haven't read these books, then I've just written a very unintelligible post. :P I apologize.
By the way, according to the Classics Club's spin on Monday, I'll be reading The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe. Uh, as soon as I find it. The possibility of the library not having it didn't seem relevant when I made my list. :P